Affordable color & black and white document printing!

A4 Document black and white print as low as RM0.09/page

If you can't find the exact options you want, please login to our website and request a custom quote.

Maximum pages for Stapler bind is 90 pages/book
Maximum pages for Wire-O bind is 250 pages/book
** Document printing are in white border, and scale to fit.
** Any order over the limit we will seperate the book in to 2 or more.
** Please contact us for binding instruction.

Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line

Price Calculator

Click Here to see price
(Min: 1, Max: 10000)
(Min: 1, Max: 10000)

Estimated Total:--